
Curious and passionate about nature

This program helps the children to become curious and passionate about nature, climate change, and environmental issues affecting our planet.

The objectives of this program are

To encourage pupils to form sustainable habits like tree planting, recycling, keeping
lights-off when not in use and environment conservation.

These basic sustainable habits are likely to stick with them as they grow up. 

The objectives of this program are

To prepare and raise eco-friendly and environment conscious population.
By introducing this program at an early age, the program has a better chance at raising a generation of lifelong environmental advocates that will continue to live sustainable lives into their adulthood.

The objectives of this program are

To educate the next generation of environmental advocates and climate leaders.
This program helps the children to become curious and passionate about nature, climate change, and environmental issues affecting our planet.

In Numbers

Saving planet earth


Schools Visited


Trees Planted


Pupils Reached

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